Dating persian guys

Dating > Dating persian guys

Hi I am currently dating a persian guy. It is my first time dating persian guy. I am 30 and he is about in late 40s. We both met on a online dating site. Hi I am currently dating a persian guy. It is my first time dating persian guy. I am 30 and he is about in late 40s. We both met on a dating persian guys dating site. We been dating for about 3 month now. He seem very nice and generous. We get along very well. But I hear that the sterotype of persian guys are some players and not faithful to dating persian guys />I have met his circle of friends. He has showed me a lot about the Iran culture. Since im new to it. Sometimes it is hard to tell if he is serious about me? I know Its been only few month. But I get feeling he may be seeing other people?? I don't know if I should continue this relationship or not. Thx in advance julie It is common to date other people until the relationship is exclusive. Ask him about it. Don't accuse him of anything, just ask him where you two stand. It is common to date other people until the relationship is exclusive. Ask him about it. Don't accuse him of anything, just ask him where you two stand. But I should also point out that you shouldn't jump to any conclusions on this man because he is of a certain ethnicity. Stereotypes do exist for a reason, but it's not fair to label everyone who may potentially fall into that stereotype as automatically being that way. Asking costs 5 points, and then choosing a best answer earns you 3 points! Uploaded video will be live after processing. Uploaded video will be live after processing.

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